Snow Observations List

Bridger Range
Natural avalanches Bridgers
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Drove up to Bridger at noon and saw a large avalanche on along the road north of the fire station. It was 75’ wide, 1-1.5’ deep and 25’ vertical. HS-N-R4-D1.5/2. It was on an east facing slope, south of the long slope that has cornices. The slope with cornices hadn’t slid at this point. On the way home at 3:30 the larger slope with cornices had slid. It was very big, possibly R5. 1.5-2’ deep, 200’ wide, huge chunks of hard slab and cornice. Looks like new wind-loaded snow with some gouges into older snow.

From Olson creek I had a cloud free flat light view of the ridge from Saddle to Bridger Peak and looked with binoculars. There was a wind slab just north of quarter saddle that did not go over the cliffs. Probably 1-2’ deep, 30’ wide of new snow. There was a large wind slab on the north half of Between the Peaks (250’ wide) and one similar depth wind slab in the Pinnacles (100’ wide). Both of these broke 1-3’ deep immediately below the cornice and did not entrain much snow or propagate very wide or downslope given how much new snow there was. I could see the debris from the slide between the peaks which ran over 1000’ vertical to the top of the runout zone but relatively low volume.

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Northern Madison
Beehive Basin
Big cornices in beehive
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Biggest of the cronies not pictured but around 3-5 m in height at the biggest on the west side of the ridge

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N. Hance
Cooke City
Climax Path, Natural Avalanche
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From email, "At 12:45 p.m. I saw Climax run naturally. SS-N-R2-D2-I. The low visibility and distance made it hard to tell how deep the crown was, but based on there not being much volume of debris and it not running very far I’m guessing it was within the new snow/storm interface and didn’t step down to any buried PWL."

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Northern Madison
Buck Ridge
Natural Avalanche and Thick Drifts at Buck Ridge
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We rode through first and second Yellowmule at Buck Ridge. There was a natural avalanche below the cornice line on the headwall above second Yellowmule that broke within the last 12 hours as it was not covered by any new snow. From a distance, it looked to be ~200' wide and broke 1-3' deep. I believe it failed just under the storm snow, not of deeper weak layers, but a very large cornice, hang fire (snow that didn't avalanche above the crown), and ongoing loading from snow and wind made it unsafe to investigate more closely.

The storm total farther back in the area was 20" of thick snow. Strong winds were creating heavy drifts in many areas. Human-triggered avalanches are likely on steep slopes, especially those loaded by fresh drifts. We dug one pit near the entrance of 2nd Yellowmule, we saw the buried weak layers, but they did not react in our stability test... We tested the snowpack for scientific interest. We planned to, and did, stay off steep slopes and the runout zones of slide paths and recommend that folks do the same until the storm is over and the snow has a chance to stabilize. The lack of propagation is a good sign for longer term stability, and I expect slopes to stabilize relatively quickly once the storm is over and wind-loading lets up. 

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Northern Gallatin
Goose Creek
Weak Snowpack at Goose Creek

Today I toured up to Chestnut Ridge via Goose Creek Trail. I noticed many wind deposits on the upper ridgeline that were actively thickening from the gusty Western winds (roughly 25mph average at the ridge). I dug a quick pit at 7370' on an Eastern aspect under the ridgeline and got some very touchy results. My HS was 125cm. I got a CT4, sudden collapse, Q1, breaking within a thick layer of advanced basal facets. The slab that came off was 85cm in height and very cohesive. Between the obvious wind loading near the ridge and my test result (which, I'm sure I could have replicated based on my probing of the area), our party decided to stay completely out of avalanche terrain and ski a few runs on mellow meadows and glades nearby. Minimal new snow fell during our tour -- just broken skies and a healthy dose of wind moving through the area. Stay safe out there through this storm cycle!

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Bridger Range
The Throne
New snow, N. Bridgers
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We snowmobiled and skied near the Throne and stayed on slopes less than 30 degrees and out from below any slopes steeper than 30 degrees. At 11:00am at 7,500' we measured 14" of new snow equal to 1.2" of snow water equivalent. It was snowing one inch an hour and wind was moderate with strong gusts. Avalanches of new snow were likely on steep slopes and very likely on steep wind-loaded slopes. Conditions will get more dangerous as more new snow is expected over the next couple days. We dug a pit at 7,500' on a northeast aspect. HS was 157cm and we did not see any reactive or concerning weak layers, but the new snow and wind-drifts are enough to create large, dangerous avalanches.

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Northern Madison
Beehive Basin
Beehive Basin Prayer Flags

Our party toured up to Prayer Flags this morning. We found 10-15 cm of low density new snow drifted much deeper in some places. Their were moderate winds out of the west to north. We stomped small soft slabs of wind drifted snow at the ridge breaking 10-15 cm deep and only 5-10 feet wide at the new/old interface. We also witnessed small point releases on very steep slopes and around cliffs triggered by spin drifts. We Found cracking in the new snow on both East and West sides of the ridge between Beehive and Middle. On unprotected solar aspects you could feel a sun crust under the new snow. Places unaffected by the sun were bottomless feeling. We had no note worthy results in our quick test pit.

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A. Haddad
Cooke City
Woody Ridge
Pit Results and Wind Loading

Dug a quick pit on a west aspect on the west side of Woody Ridge. HS was 178 cm. ECTN 29, 1.5’ below surface on 1.0 mm rounding facets. Skied off the west side of the ridge. The snow was more wind drifted towards the bottom of our run, 4-6” wind skin in spots. We didn’t see any signs of avalanche activity. Snow started falling lightly around 1400.

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E. Schreier
Northern Gallatin
Maid of the Mist
Maid of the Mist
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On Saturday (2/18) we toured into Maid of the Mist and dug a pit on a northern aspect at the base of the skinny maid. Our results indicated that where there was wind loading, it was very likely to fail and propagate. In addition to the ECTP 1 on the wind slab, we noticed shooting cracks on isolated pockets of wind loading. 

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Cooke City
Snowmobile triggered slide, Mt. Abundance, Cooke
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A snowmobiler triggered a 6-10" slab on a wind-loaded slope on the south side of Mt. Abundance near Cooke City on 2/18/23. Video shared with GNFAC via Facebook and YouTube.

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C. Schumacher
Bridger Range
Fairy Lake
Fairy lake wind slabs

Triggered a couple small slides on the cornices that typically form in the corridor here: 45.91263, -110.95506

wind was blowing in strong gusts and it started snowing very heavy around 1pm  

super reactive. Approved the small slope and the whole thing went. It was only 2-3 inches deep. Likely from wind blown today and some of what was falling. It did run for about 40-50 wide. Nothing that would bury a person but definitely a telling sign. 

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E. Heiman
Northern Madison
Beehive Basin
Encouraging test scores in Beehive Basin

My group and I went up into Beehive Basin to do some sub-alpine skiing into Middle Basin as well on some of the east aspects in Beehive. We went in feeling good about the snowpack given recent observations and the forecast, but before dropping into our first line on the Middle/Beehive ridgeline we dug a pit on an E aspect at around 9500'. There was good depth in the area (HS 190 cm) and the upper few feet of the snowpack was mostly right side up with faceted snow towards the bottom that appeared to be gaining strength. We pulled a shovel shear, which yielded unremarkable results and an ECT with a result of ECTX. We had a great day out there skiing and felt good about what we saw!

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Lionhead Range
Lionhead Ridge
Lionhead ridge look around
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We rode up to ski hill and dug a pit at the top. East-northeast aspect at 8,050'. HS 164cm and ECTN21 on surface hoar 40 cm down. Then we rode up along the ridge to Airplane Bowl and dug near the ridge north of the saddle. East aspect at 9,300'. Here HS was 144cm and we had ECTN20 on facets 40 cm down. We rode down Airplane Bowl and around the north end of Lionhead Ridge into Targhee Creek. Wind was light to moderate and forming small plumes of snow along the ridge.

We did not see recent avalanches aside from one previously reported snowmobile triggered slide at the top of Airplane Bowl. It was 30-40 feet wide and maybe 6-8" deep. It appeared 3-4" of snow fell 3 days ago. This snow was blown around by the wind and created some small, isolated drifts that have become more stable with time and now seem unlikely to be triggered.

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K. Birkeland
Northern Gallatin
Mt Ellis
Mt. Ellis

Went for a quick tour up Ellis today. Dug twice along the ridge, both pits had ECTN 12-14 under the new snow. Top of Ellis was worked by the east winds. Worked my way down carefully on the southern end of the Meadow area. Overall the stability seems to have improved since Doug and Ian were up earlier in the week.

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FS snow rangers
Northern Gallatin
Portal Creek
Portal creek patrol
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We rode up Portal Creek today to check motorized boundaries.  Riding in the meadows and trees in the basin's north of Golden Trout lakes was decent and not caught any wind.  All of the ridge tops appeared to be heavily scoured or wind loaded, depending on aspect and we noted several small wind slabs on the N-NE ridge tops directly above the lake.  They appeared partially filled in so we're likely from a few days ago.  We did not see any recent tracks climbing much above tree line, likely since everything had been so wind affected higher up. 

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Northern Gallatin
Lick Creek
Weak layer ~30 inches down at Hyalite

We were in the Lick creek area and did an ECT test,  the new snow appeared to be bonded well but on ECT 20 we got a clean sheer about 30 inches down across the column. We headed back to lower angle terrain.

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Bridger Range
Brackett Creek
Shooting crack on Grassy Mtn above Brackett Creek
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We were snowshoeing up Grassy Mountain on Feb 15. We were following someone else’s tracks up to a SW facing slope between 35 and 40 degrees at 6400 feet (directly across from Bridger Bowl). We realized the other person had probably turned around because of this crack in the snowpack directly above a gully with terrain traps. We did the same.

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Z. Peterson
Cooke City
Crown Butte
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Rider triggered avalanche on crown butte. Saw and heard reports of small rider/skier triggered wind slabs North of Cooke City.

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Northern Madison
Buck Ridge
Buck Ridge snowmo tour
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We rode along Buck Ridge and into the first and second Yellow Mule, then rode into MacAtee and Muddy Creek. Wind was calm to light and not transporting snow. There was signs the wind blew previously, from the north. We did not see any recent natural or human triggered avalanches. We dug a pit near the wilderness boundary in Bear Creek. It was 212 cm deep and we had two ECTXs, one of them propagated after an extra 5-6 hits on surface hoar 2 feet (55-60cm) deep. Overall stability was good and avalanches are trending towards unlikely. Slopes that have recently formed fresh drifts may remain unstable for a couple more days.

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Southern Madison
Bacon Rind
Increasing Stability
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We toured up to the Skillet today. We noticed that winds from the NE had drifted the 4-6" of storm snow throughout Bacon Rind. The wind drifting is a bigger concern in the less sheltered areas of Bacon Rind. We dug two pits on a SE aspect at 7500', and 8,600'. There is a melt freeze crust sitting atop a layer of facets 4-6" below the surface, and this propagated easily in our pits (ECTP 3, ECTP 11). This is not a concern now, but it could be when new snow falls on this weak snow. Next, we dug a pit in the meadow to the south of the Skillet at 8,800'. We found surface hoar 14" below the surface, and it did not propagate in our test. In our pit at the top of the Skillet, we did not see propagation either. The terrain we were in today is trending towards stability

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